
Geologist's Primer by Double Proficiency

Created by Hunters Books

An illustrated guide to real-world crystals, minerals, and metals by the creators of the Herbalist’s Primer

Latest Updates from Our Project:

BackerKit is now Open!
9 months ago – Wed, Jan 31, 2024 at 02:14:40 PM

Attention Natural World Enthusiasts! The BackerKit for Geologist Primer is NOW OPEN!

Once you are signed in, you will be able to add additional copies of the book, other add-ons, and upgrade your pledge, should you wish to do so! Please be sure to complete your surveys and make sure that your shipping address is up to date! Doing so will help us to gear up as we get  closer to fulfillment.(Never fear, you will still have time to make further adjustments before we charge for shipping costs and fulfill your pledge rewards, we just wanna remind everyone early so that no one forgets or falls behind!)

Just to be clear, you are NOT being charged for shipping yet! Those charges will come later when we are closer to the shipping date. Currently, you can buy additional material and books and upgrade your pledge. We are holding back as on any shipping charges until the last possible moment so that we can provide you with the most accurate and favorable pricing! 

Of course, we will keep you updated and advised of any changes as we progress towards the moment when the physical books are out and in your hands!

Thank you all for your wonderful support and kindness! We are so excited for you to see the final product!

More soon!

Final Stages of Editing
9 months ago – Fri, Jan 19, 2024 at 12:49:41 PM

 Hello, once again, scholars and seekers! We hope everyone has had a wonderful holiday season and that your January has been warm and free of weather woes! 

We are back in action here at Hunters Entertainment with some new team members and lots of exciting developments. So, with that in mind, we wanted to drop another update here on Kickstarter! 

Thanks to the success of the Geologist Primer Kickstarter—and the record breaking sales of all our games in the last year—we have been able to expand our team and bring aboard new some new faces that you might see on Discord or here in the Kickstarter comments! They’ll be answering questions and helping with any bumps as we open up the BackerKit for business in the coming weeks.

Among those on the team is one of our new Project Managers, Ryan Omega! Ryan is the PM for Geologist Primer, all of the Natural World series moving forward, and for other Double Proficiency games and supplements we are working on. We are excited to have him join us, as he will be invaluable in helping us in helping you!  Say hello if you see him around!

Speaking of updating all of you, the Geologist Primer is currently in the final stages of editing and  moving into full over-seas production very, very soon! We have an amazing science editor combing through all the details making sure all of the science in the book is…rock solid.....


This means Geologist Primer PDF is on schedule to be released next month! ISN’T THAT SO COAL?!?

We thank you all for you patience and we promise that we never took any of you FOR GRANITE!


Until next time, friends, we hope that we haven’t spoiled this update with all of these silly puns.If so, it’s a burden that we’ll just have to boulder….

Herbalist Primer PDF is Out!
10 months ago – Tue, Dec 12, 2023 at 05:32:18 PM

Check your emails and notifications from DrivethruRPG! In the next 48 hours the Herbalist's Primer PDF will be available to everyone who got it as an add on to their Geologist Kickstarter pledge or in the Herbalist Primer Bundle!  If you did not receive it within the next 48 hours, be sure to double check your DrivethruRPG Library. If it's not there either, then they can reach out to [email protected] and we will make sure you receive it.

Anna Update December 2024
11 months ago – Wed, Dec 06, 2023 at 05:37:45 PM

Hello, dearest Backers, 

Welcome to another month down the project timeline! 

Hope you're doing well these days; we are still frozen and waking up to -20 degrees centigrade (not inside, thankfully!). Jakub was supposed to help me with stretch goals, but instead, he's de-snowing the driveway!

Fine, I jest. He did actually do a lot of work recently, albeit not on the Geologist's Primer - which is fair, because he's writing a book all of his own. Fans of sci-fi, TTRPG, heists, strategy, and XCOM might want to stay tuned...

Meanwhile, I've been finishing the illustrations for magic items to be included in Geologist's Primer, and all 101 of them are now completed; right in time, as the editing is also about done! There's not much left between us and sending the book to print. 

The Bedrock Lullaby adventure—which will be available as a physical zine—is now also laid out, illustrated, and passed along to editing. With this, all physical items are now out the door, as far as the work in our little studio is concerned. I get to now focus on digital-only stretch goals, such as the second adventure, Alchemist's Fugue, the alchemy toolkit, and 100 adventure pebbles. Almost done, y'all! 

For all of you keeping track, this is where we are in the project:

  • Geologist's Primer - writing, art, and layout complete, editing pass done!
  • poster - in production
  • notebook - in production
  • coloring book - in production
  • flash cards - in production
  •  Bedrock Lullaby adventure - in editing
  •  Alchemist's Fugue adventure - written, layout in progress
  • alchemy toolkit - in the writing queue
  • adventure pebbles - currently being written and laid out
  • random gem generator - all written, in production
  • art pack - all drawn, in production

As for what the future might bring... If you're subscribed to our Patreon or Substack, you might already know I am currently indulging myself in a new research topic. It's cozy, it's fun, it's been passed down my family tree for generations. The more I research it, the closer I feel to my Polish roots.

Anybody here likes mushrooms?


*PS from Fab*

Anna also included some sample illustrations of the magical items for this post, but for some reason Kickstarter is giving me an error when I go to insert any image. I am already in talks with KS Support to get this bug fixed. Once it is I will include them in another update. 

November Update from Anna
12 months ago – Mon, Nov 06, 2023 at 04:44:18 PM

Hello, Dearest Backers,

Just saying hi from snowed-in Finland! One day, blue skies and sunlight—the next, we find ourselves shoveling the snow away just to get out of the house. Fun times in the frozen North!

But you're not here for weather updates. The work of the project continues according to our schedule. We're still working on stretch goals. The double-sided poster is all done and passed along to the production team. The notebook is laid out and ready for your future notes about shiny rocks, recipes for magic items, hex maps, and other notes and doodles. The coloring book is put together as well, queued for production. Even the flash cards are finished!

Meanwhile, Jakub has finished writing the second adventure: a delightful heist/escape room which will challenge the player characters to make use of their more unusual abilities, background skills, and creative problem solving. We called it Alchemist's Fugue, and it centers around a suspicious alchemist rumored to possess a powerful artifact. Included: mischievous spirits of chaos, probability shenanigans, quicksilver riddles, crows, reverse hot potato, and (potentially) world-changing consequences. All in good fun, of course!

I'm now focusing on finalizing the layout and illustrations for the Bedrock Lullaby adventure, and once this is sorted, all physical stretch goals will be complete (final edits and production notwithstanding). Then it's just the digital goodies, which aren't dependent on manufacturing. All in all, I'd say we're doing well!

For all of you keeping track, this is where we are in the project:

- Geologist's Primer - writing, art, and layout complete, in editing

- poster - in production

- notebook - in production

- coloring book - in production

- flash cards - in production

- Bedrock Lullaby adventure - in layout

- Alchemist's Fugue adventure - written, awaiting layout

- alchemy toolkit - in the writing queue

- adventure pebbles - in the writing queue

- random gem generator - all written, in production

- art pack - all drawn, in production

We'll keep you posted on the progress, and if you feel like you haven't yet had enough of me today, you can check out our YouTube channel, where I'm recently talking about zombie mushrooms... Coincidence...?


Anna 💎